Ending Violence Against Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ Individuals – Provincial Core Training for Advocates
We continue to take action to address gender-based violence in our communities — safety for Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals is a priority. This training program seeks to support the voice and leadership of survivors of violence and grassroots advocates who are at the root of advancing social, cultural, and legal changes on behalf of Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals, to live their lives free of violence.
Funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada, BCAAFC, in partnership with Battered Women’s Support Services, is delivering this Indigenous-focused provincial core curricula and training for anti-violence advocates. This training program will be delivered to new and experienced advocates, especially Indigenous learners who seek the application of an Indigenous lens to the work of anti-violence services. Once completed, trainers will be empowered to provide the training to other interested people in their own communities. The trainers will also be able to use skills and teachings learned from this program for team building, in-service training, public education, and other cross-training initiatives.
This training will develop skills to provide responses for Indigenous survivors of violence. We seek to create safe spaces for survivors, to share their stories without colonial judgement and stereotyping, and to build community. The training is designed to apply to each survivor and to respond to each individual’s unique physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual needs.