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Leading Indigenous Service Sector Training – funding for Indigenous not-for-profits in B.C.

News Release

B.C. – November 3, 2020 – Indigenous social service organizations in B.C. can now apply for funding to support employee training and development. The Leading Indigenous Service Sector Training (LISST) funding opportunity will increase the number of skilled Indigenous workers in the social services sector by removing the cost barriers to advanced skills training and certification.
The B.C. Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres (BCAAFC) developed the funding for long-term planning within Indigenous not-for-profit organizations. The BCAAFC is the umbrella organization for the 25 Friendship Centres in B.C., a network of social service organizations with over 60 years of experience serving the urban Indigenous population.
“Indigenous not-for-profit organizations provide access to equitable, culturally-safe social services for Indigenous people,” said Leslie Varley, Executive Director of the BCAAFC, “These community based agencies are often the place where new workers develop their professional skills. However, retention of our workers in the not-for-profit sector remains a challenge, as the pay scale cannot compete with other sectors. We hope to address staff retention with increased training opportunities.”
The LISST funding opportunity is open to all Indigenous not-for-profit social service organizations in B.C. Eligible organizations may apply for up to $10,000 for the training and certification of Indigenous staff cohorts, or for up to $2,500 for the training and certification of individual Indigenous employees.
“The COVID-19 pandemic is having disproportionately negative effects on Indigenous people,” said Varley, “We are grateful to offer this funding at a time when Indigenous families are experiencing a higher rate of COVID-related unemployment than other groups.”
To learn more about LISST funding, visit
For media inquiries, please contact
To learn more about B.C. Friendship Centres, please visit


Request for Proposals (RFP) Consulting Assignments – Business Services

BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres

Development of Business Continuity Plan RFP

All locations specified
Attachments – yes
Responses – Online only
For more information contact:
Alexandra Pierik
551 Chatham Street
Victoria, British Columbia
V8T 1E1
Phone: 250-388-5522 ext. 5182
Solicitation Number: 11811
Original Publishing Date: October 27, 2020
Publish Date: October 27, 2020
Close Date & Time: November 22, 2020
Time Zone: Pacific Time

Summary of Details:

The BCAAFC is a leading provincial organization that exists to improve the quality of life for Indigenous peoples through the support of the member agencies. We are here to ensure the 25 Friendship Centres throughout the province feel supported with their efforts to serve the urban Indigenous communities in which they live, work, and play.
These Centres serve a wide range of communities who are subject to varying natural disasters including forest fires, flooding, earthquakes, etc. In recent years, the prevalence of forest fires poses a potential for devastating impact on the Centres and entire communities. In addition, the ongoing realities of the COVID-19 pandemic further highlights the necessity of business continuity plans.

Business Continuity Plans

Conduct business impact analysis along with reviewing recent BC emergencies that could potentially occur.
Create a business continuity plan to avoid and mitigate harm, disruption, and costs in regards to an emergency.
Work with BCAAFC Occupational Health and Safety Team.
Ensure plan aligns with and adheres to industry and federal, provincial and regional emergency plan standards as well as best practices.
Engage with Friendship Centres to ensure plans meet specific regional needs. Develop clear examples to guide staff in effective communication strategies in the event of an emergency.

Statement in Support of Mi’kmaq Treaty Rights and Livelihood

Statement in Support
October 23, 2020 – We at the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres (BCAAFC) stand in solidarity with the Mi’kmaq people exercising their rights to fish and to a traditional livelihood, in the face of violence, vandalism and intimidation from commercial fishers.
The attacks against Mi’kmaq fishers in Nova Scotia and the lack of intervention from law enforcement violates human rights and demonstrates that such rights are not equitably upheld for Indigenous people. The actions of government, law enforcement, and commercial fishers reflects deeply entrenched racism and a complete disrespect for the Mi’kmaq people as the original and rightful stewards of the land.
We applaud the strength and resiliency of the Mi’kmaq people and we ask that both the federal and provincial governments act to ensure the safety of Mi’kmaq fishers and the protection of their constitutional rights.
To make a donation to support the community of Sipekne’katik in defending their treaty rights, please visit:
In solidarity, on behalf of the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres,
Leslie Varley
Executive Director


Annual ‘Gathering Our Voices’ Indigenous Youth Leadership Event to Return in 2022

News Release

B.C. – October 20, 2020 – Over 1,000 Indigenous youth look forward to attending the Gathering Our Voices (GOV) leadership training event each year. The 18th annual GOV event was cancelled in March, just days before it was set to take place, due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in B.C. and across Canada. Organizers have made the decision to postpone GOV until 2022 to ensure a safe return.

The event is co-hosted by the Provincial Aboriginal Youth Council (PAYC) and the B.C. Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres (BCAAFC). The 25 Friendship Centres across B.C. have continued to provide increasingly necessary social services throughout COVID-19, many of them adapting their youth programming to continue online.

“Ensuring Indigenous youth have access to resources that support their success is vital to achieving a healthier, more equitable society,” said Leslie Varley, Executive Director of the BCAAFC. “Listening to the voices of Indigenous youth is a key part of implementing the calls to action and justice we continue to fight for.”

GOV encourages youth to mobilize their collective strengths and create the change they want to see. Indigenous youth are carrying on the spirit of the event in the face of challenges exasperated by the pandemic. Registration for the 3C Challenge, an entrepreneurship initiative by the BCAAFC, has increased since the training moved to an online platform in March. The resulting business ventures reflect Indigenous youths’ drive to create economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable products and services, grounded in their cultures and traditions.

The GOV 2022 event will coincide with the BCAAFC’s 50-year anniversary. Varley said organizers look forward to gathering together again, “We raise our hands in the Coast Salish way, in high respect and appreciation, to the youth, staff, volunteers, partners, and funders who come together to make this event a huge success.”

For media and event sponsorship inquiries, please contact

To learn more about BC Friendship Centres and Gathering Our Voices, please visit and

Join the Provincial Aboriginal Youth Council: The next PAYC election takes place on September 24, 2020

View Poster

PAYC members are:

Council members advocate for issues that are important to Indigenous youth, and are passionate about the future.
Council members strive to be role models and help their peers share their voice and be heard.
Change Makers
Council members engage other youth in their communities and advocate for change they want to see.

What does PAYC do?

PAYC members attend monthly meetings, participate in workshops and community engagement sessions with the BCAAFC, and assist with planning the annual Gathering Our Voices: Indigenous Youth Leadership Training event.
Meetings and engagement sessions may take place via teleconference, video conference, or in-person.

Who can join PAYC?

Eligible candidates…
– Are between the ages of 18 and 24.
– Acquire a letter of support from their local Friendship Centre.
– Submit an expression of interest, in order to be nominated for election.

Steps to apply:

1) Get in touch with your local Friendship Centre for a letter of recommendation.
2) Let us know why you’re interested in being a PAYC member.
3) Submit to by September 22, 2020 at 5:00pm PST.

The next PAYC election will take place virtually on September 24, 2020.


Contact, or 250-388-5522 ext. 216.


Board Resolution of BCAAFC: To Move Annual General Meeting Date

Passed on June 24, 2020

Change of Date to Annual General Meeting

Due to the delays associated with the COVID pandemic and subsequent audit delays, the BCAAFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to take place on July 10, 2020 has been moved.
The BCAAFC Annual General Meeting will now take place on: September 25, 2020.
Detailed information for the meeting will be provided to membership 30 days before the scheduled date.
There are no special resolutions for the changes.
Thank you for your support and understanding as we navigate these changes together.
Board of Directors

Racist “game” played by hospital staff in British Columbia is unacceptable, say Indigenous health leaders

Emergency room staff regularly play “Price is Right” when predicting blood alcohol level of Indigenous patients

News Release

June 19, 2020 —First Nations, Métis and Inuit patients seeking emergency medical services in British Columbia are often assumed to be intoxicated and denied medical assessments, contributing to worsening health conditions resulting in unnecessary harm or death. This is according to information obtained by Métis Nation BC and the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres. Additionally, the parties have notified the First Nations Health Authority of this concern.

Participants within the San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training program detail thousands of cases of racism in healthcare, resulting in the harm of Indigenous patients. In a recent training session, a program participant disclosed a common game played within B.C. hospital emergency rooms, where physicians, nurses and other staff try to guess the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of Indigenous patients. The winner of the game guesses closest to the BAC – without going over.

“There remains a lack of will to address systemic and specific racism towards Métis, First Nation and Inuit people,” says Leslie Varley, Executive Director of the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres (BCAAFC), “We know that our people avoid hospitals because we are afraid of having a discriminatory encounter. This happens to the point where Indigenous people end up in emergency with extreme diagnosis, like cancer.”

“What is allegedly happening in BC hospitals to Métis, First Nations and Inuit peoples is deeply disturbing and must immediately come to an end” says Daniel Fontaine, Chief Executive Officer for the Métis Nation BC.  “We remain committed to work with Provincial Health Services Authority to increase Métis specific content curriculum to increase the knowledge and understanding of healthcare providers serving Métis people to ensure improved care and culturally safe experiences in BC”.

The Province of Ontario made San’yas training mandatory for every employee in the Ontario Public Service in 2016. The Province of B.C. has yet to enforce standardized anti-racism training for health service workers.  BC Health Authorities are inconsistent in their requirements for anti-racism training despite evidence that racism is prevalent within health systems. Cases of systemic and racialized harm and death continue to be looked at as a medical learning opportunity.    

BCAAFC and MNBC, Indigenous leadership are calling upon the Ministry of Health to accept the following four recommendations:  

  1. A public inquiry into Indigenous specific racism in health care in B.C with a focus on hospitals and emergency departments.
  2. Ensure that all front-line staff are required to take mandatory First Nations, Métis and Inuit training that results in increased health professional personal accountability in the delivery of safe health care.
  3. Commit to structural and systemic changes to dismantle indigenous specific racism to ensure culturally safe health care experiences for Indigenous people.
  4. Ensure that Indigenous governments play a stronger role in the development and implementation of anti-racism programs and training throughout BC.

Implementing these recommendations helps address the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action and would signify the beginning of concrete changes within the Province of B.C.’s health system.

MNBC and BCAAFC agree the way for the Province of BC to properly acknowledge National Indigenous People’s Day on June 21st would be to address the longstanding racism concerns of Métis, First Nations and Inuit people in our province.


Leslie Varley
Executive Director
BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres

Daniel Fontaine
Chief Executive Officer
Métis Nation British Columbia


Métis Nation BC

Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) represents 90,000+ self-identified Métis people in BC. To date, over 21,000 Métis Citizens are provincially registered with MNBC. The Métis National Council and the Provincial Government of British Columbia, as well as the Federal Government of Canada, recognize Métis Nation British Columbia as the Governing Nation for Métis in BC.

BC Association of Friendship Centres

The BC Association of Friendship Centres represents 25 centres around the province that provide a wide array of social and health services focused towards the 85% of Indigenous people residing in urban areas.


Notice of changes to the BCAAFC annual general meeting 2020

Notice of changes to the BCAAFC annual general meeting are as follows:

Location: Online via Zoom

Date: July 10, 2020

Time: 9:00AM – 4:30PM PST

The BCAAFC does not have any special resolutions at this time.

Zoom details will be distributed via email on June 25, 2020.

These changes comply with provincial health orders and have been made for the health and safety of our members and communities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Any questions can be directed to Cathie Storey – Board Liaison:  

Thank you for your support and understanding as we navigate these changes together.


How Friendship Centres Are Supporting Communities During COVID-19

The 25 Friendship Centres in British Columbia have been contributing to the health and wellbeing of Indigenous people for almost 70 years.
At the best of times, Friendships Centres work against high unemployment rates, cutbacks in government spending, and general economic uncertainty.
Now, amid the global COVID-19 crisis, Friendship Centres continue to find ways to provide critical services with disproportionately less support from provincial and federal governments.

Friendship Centre doors are closed to the public so that staff can take all possible measures to operate programs and services safely, including:

– Ensuring minimal points of contact when preparing care kits and managing deliveries
– Frequent sanitation
– Providing direction on physical distancing protocols
– Using safety equipment when possible

The increase in requests for Friendship Centres services, as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, surpasses the funds and resources available. Staff are committed to doing the best they can with limited supplies, safety protection, equipment, and financial resources; balancing their own health and safety with the health and safety of their clients, communities and relatives.
Friendship Centre networks understand the unique circumstances within the communities they serve and have found creative ways to help as many people as possible despite present challenges.

How Friendship Centres have adapted to meet community needs:

– Increased number of meal distribution days per week.
– Delivering meals to individuals unable to travel to the Friendship Centre (such as Elders and shut ins).
– Offering supervision for children while parents and caregivers get shopping done.
– Collaborating with local businesses and communities to connect individuals and families in need with food resources available.
– Purchasing slow cookers for families and delivering weekly recipes and ingredients so that families may prepare healthy meals together.
– Offering grocery pick-up and delivery services.
– Offering grocery gift cards and coupons to families and individuals.
– Constructing vegetable gardens and greenhouses, planting fruit trees and berries to provide fresh produce.
– Implementing extra safety precautions in overnight shelter facilities to protect the health of clients and staff.
– Distributing hygiene kits to homeless, creating handwashing stations.
– Implementing extra precautions to continue providing access to storage space, washrooms, showers, and laundry, as safely as possible.
– Setting up clients in isolation with tablets and Zoom to stay connected to each other and Friendship Centre counsellors.
– Preparing and distributing an outline of all support organizations within the community (i.e. hours of operation, if the office is open/closed, contact information, services available), and updating the document weekly to provide clarity for clients.
– Helping clients access housing subsidies and other financial resources available to them.
– Purchasing Chromebooks for youth who need access to school work.
– Hosting Facebook live classes for programs.
– Delivering infant care kits to pregnant individuals (food boxes, diapers, formula).
– Delivering client care kits containing games, arts, and cultural crafts for all ages.
– Maintaining client contact and providing counselling services via phone, teleconference, social media, etc.
– Providing harm reduction supplies.
– Providing prescription pick-up and delivery.

Thank you to staff, volunteers, leaders, frontline workers, knowledge keepers, and every community member doing their best to help one another and protect the health and safety of their communities. We are stronger when we work together.

Please contact us at if there is anyway that we can collaborate to better serve communities during this time.

COVID-19: April 17, 2020

No Emergency Funding for BC Friendship Centres Confirmed

The 25 Friendship Centres located in British Columbia have not received any additional funding to support the increased need for Friendship Centre services during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The BCAAFC has requested emergency funding from the provincial government, no funding has been confirmed. 

The National Association of Friendship Centres has submitted a proposal to the Indigenous Community Support Fund, no funding for Friendship Centres has been confirmed.

COVID-19 support resources:

