ELST Training Registration

ELST Training Event

Workshops on a few topics and an info session with the funder.

IN PERSON EVENT – Two Day Workshop Event
June 26th & 27th, 2024 | Surrey, BC

Deadline to Apply: May 27th , 2024 | 1:00pm PDT

Employment, Life Skills & Training (ELST)

The Employment, Life Skills & Training (ELST) initiative is part of the BCAAFC’s strategy to increase employment and training among Indigenous people.
Building on the previous success of the Northern Corridor Initiative, ELST is expanding into 14 Friendship Centres which have the resources and training to help clients find meaningful employment.

Day 1: Communication – Basic & Trauma Informed / Problem Solving & Decision Making

Provides the basic elements of good communication and provides brief discussion and examples of what is and is not respectful communication. The Problem-solving course provides an opportunity to understand how they define problems, gather information and then make decisions to resolve those problems.

  • Basic Communication
  • What does it mean to Communicate in a Trauma Informed way?
  • Respectful Communication
  • Decision Making Styles and skills
  • Time Management

Day 2: Half-Day

Proposal Writing (9:15-11:15)
Provides basic elements of proposal writing, integrating the theory with an opportunity to begin the work on a current proposal submission or regular work project.

  • Regular work vs Project Management
  • Project Management Principles
  • Planning the work

Round table with the Ministry of Post Secondary and Future Skills (11:15 – 12pm)

  • Meet our Funder representatives
  • Address our funding parameters and concerns
  • Q&A session
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Do you require a hotel room?
I understand Travel Reimbursement will occur AFTER the event? Additional Travel Claim info to be provided to successful registrants.

For questions, please contact:

Vanessa Daniels: 250-388-5522
