BCAAFC-TELUS Mobility for Good Program

TELUS Mobility for Good Program

Friendship Centre organizations across BC will be distributing prepaid cell phones to Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals who otherwise would not have access to cellular communication while fleeing violence. The program allows a safer opportunity for program participants to stay in touch with vital support networks.
All Mobility for Good phones are set up as a prepaid account
Prepaid accounts are loaded monthly for one year with the following:
  • Unlimited Canada-wide calling (No long-distance fees will apply for calls made to a Canadian phone number or calls received, within Canada)
  • Unlimited Canada-wide text messaging
  • 3GB of data per month, to be reset on the monthly renewal date.
  • Upon 1-year of service from the date of activation, the existing phone plan will be cancelled if the user does not choose to continue with Telus.
  • After 1-year of services, if you would like to pay to continue with a cell phone plan please contact Telus or another cell phone provider.
  • Users can retain the phone after the program ends.
  • MUST report any lost/stolen devices to BCAAFC immediately, if lost or stolen BCAAFC and Telus will not replace them.
  • TELUS reserves the right to track usage if desired.
  • Identify as women, girls and/ or 2SLGBTQQIA+ individual
  • At the risk of violence or fleeing violence, or in a high-risk environment
  • Willing to provide basic information (Information will not be shared, unless during an emergency)
Please use the provided form below to request a phone. 

BCAAFC-TELUS Mobility for Good Request Form

Please note: Until further notice
we are only able to process and donate 30 phones a week.


We are sorry. The application limit for this week has been reached. This form will re-open on Friday.

The main point of contact for BCAAFC – TELUS Mobility for Good Program
Emilie Luhowy, Administrative Assistant for Special Projects
BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres
551 Chatham St | Victoria, BC | V8T 1E1
1-250-940-4893 | pathforward@bcaafc.com