Contact + FAQ

Doulas for Aboriginal Families Grant Program
BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres

551 Chatham Street
Victoria BC
V8T 1E1

Fax: 1-250-388-5502

Q: I have submitted my application. When will I know if my application has been accepted?
A: Please allow up to two (2) weeks for your application to be processed and approved. You will be notified regardless of approval.
Q: Can I submit an application before finding a doula?
A: No. Families must fill out the application form alongside their registered doula.
Q: Can I apply for only a post-partum doula?
A: Yes, a family can apply for post-partum services only, within 8 weeks following birth. The doula is required to be registered with post-partum services.
Q: Can I have two different doulas for one pregnancy?
A: Yes, families can have two different doulas for the same pregnancy, but the total amount covered for both doulas will not exceed $1,200.00. Both doulas must be registered with the DAFGP.
Q: Will I be reimbursed for the cost of the doula services?
A: We provide payment (up to $1,200.00) directly to doulas so you do not have to pay-of-pocket.
Q: There are no doulas in my community. Do you have travel grants available so I can access a doula support?
A: Yes, please see Travel Grants or contact us for more information.
Q: I have submitted my doula registration application form. When will I know if I have been approved?
A: Doula registration application forms are typically processed within two (2) weeks upon being received. You will be notified whether your application is accepted or not accepted as soon as your application is processed.
Q: I have been approved. Do I need to submit a doula registration application form again?
A: No, your DAFGP registration will not expire. Doulas are responsible for ensuring their certifications and contact information is up-to-date. Please provide the Doula Program Coordinator with renewed copies of your certificates and updated contact information when applicable.
Q: How long after submitting my invoice will I be reimbursed?
A: You will receive email confirmation when the BCAAFC receives your invoice. Please allow up to 30 days for invoice to be processed and cheque to be delivered. Doulas are reimbursed once all services are complete, and doulas must submit an invoice within two (2) weeks of completing services.
Q: Do I have to use the invoice template provided or can I use my own?
A: The DAFGP invoice provided by DocuSign is the preferred format. This helps us review and process invoices as efficiently as possible.
Q: The care I have provided exceeds the maximum amount covered ($1,200.00). Do I include the total amount in my final invoice?
A: No. The final invoice submitted should not exceed $1,200.00. Any costs that exceed the amount submitted in the Family Registration Form should be discussed with the family before care is provided. Any costs surpassing $1,200.00 should be invoiced to the family separately.
Q: The hospital where my client is giving birth is located more than 25km away. Do you have travel grants available?
A: Yes, please see Travel Grants or contact us for more information.